Voici les indications pour arriver chez Michèle
Directions to 690 Summerleas Rd from Hobart
Take Davey Street – right hand lane.
Keep going straight on B64 direction Fern Tree Mt Wellington.
Drive 10 km, past the Mt Wellington Turn off – don’t turn.
Keep going to Fern Tree Tavern (about 100m)
Take the 2nd road on the left – Summerleas Road
Drive in between the Tavern on the left and the Fire Station on the right.
Keep going about 1.5 km on sealed road, then about 1.5 km on gravel road
Turn left immediately past the big blue Kingborough Safer Speed sign.
Follow down sealed driveway.
Recommended that those who can walk 500 m park at top of driveway and walk or carpool down.
If you come from Kingston:
Take Summerleas Rd and come up unti the saddle and look for number 690 and look for a sign.
À bientôt.